October 19, 2005

Another database bites the dust

This time the database that was supposed to have been set up as one of the recomendations of Lord Laming followed the death of eight-year-old Victoria, who was murdered by her great-aunt and the aunt's boyfriend. But now even the man that wanted it set up in the first place is having doughts
Lord Laming has now joined the ranks of doubters as he suggested the recommendation, made two years ago, was unworkable and likely to breach data protection rules, according to an interview published today on social care and health professionals' information website, Care and Health.


"A national, all-singing, all-dancing, complicated database, accessible to everybody is not only expensive but I doubt it will improve case outcomes. It also breaches reasonable safeguards of data protection," Lord Laming said.
And New Labour are planning an even bigger, more complicated database to store the details of everybody for their ID Cards. Do they never learn?


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